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Why Do Aeonium Leaves Droop

Aeoniums are beautiful succulents shaped like flowers that spruce up any decor. Caring for them is relatively simple, but, like most plants, unfavorable conditions can make them discolored and droopy and eventually lead to death if not adjusted. Why do aeonium leaves droop?

In most cases, it depends on the amount of water they receive. Because they’re part of the succulent family, they don’t need too much water, though they need enough to keep the soil moist. Another reason why aeonium leaves droop is due to lack of sunlight. They love full sun and lots of it – growing best in full sun to partial shade. 

How often should you water your aeonium? How much sunlight do aeoniums need? And What are the best aeonium growing conditions? We have the answers to these questions and more below. 

How Often Do You Water Aeonium? 

Aeonium is a succulent that thrives in harsh conditions. Their ability to adapt and survive means they need much less water than other types of plants, shriveling up and rotting if they get too much. The amount of water your aeonium needs depends on the growth stage it’s in – establishing roots or well rooted.

Aeonium Root Development 

If you’ve just potted your aeonium, you’ll need to give it time to develop roots. While roots are developing, watering deeply is important, encouraging them to spread out in search of water. During this time, it’s recommended that you water your aeonium once weekly, ensuring you water deeply and thoroughly each time. 

Once Rooted 

Once your aeonium has sprouted roots and grown accustomed to its surroundings, it’s time to start watering much less. The top 2 inches of soil should be dried entirely before water, about every two weeks. When you do water, water deeply, allowing the soil to dry out before watering again. To gauge soil moisture, use a stick or pencil to check how quickly the soil dries in your area. 

Do Aeoniums Need Full Sun? 

Aeoniums love warm, dry conditions, thriving in desert-like climates when planting or placing pots with aeoniums, keep their love of sun in mind and make sure to give them plenty of exposure each day. 

Aeoniums prefer direct sunlight and do well with at least 6 hours of exposure daily. While they love the heat, it is too hot, which can blister or damage leaves; if you live in an area with extreme temperatures, plant in partial shade. 

How Do You Revive A Droopy Succulent? 

In most cases, aeonium droopy leaves are caused by unfavorable watering conditions. Droopy leaves can indicate that your succulent needs water and is usually revivable. However, allowing your succulent to go too long without water can push it past its limits and cause it to die. 

If you notice your aeonium’s leaves drooping, you can revive it quickly by exposing it to water in three steps: 

#1. Unpotting 

Start by gently removing your aeonium from the pot and shaking off excess soil. Be sure to do so carefully and do your best not to disturb the roots. 

#2. Water Bath 

Use a pot or bucket filled with water to place your aeonium in. Allow it to sit while you empty and clean your current pot. Give it about 10 minutes in water, and then remove it before replanting. 

#3 Moisten Soil 

Before replanting your aeonium, use a potting mix made especially for succulents. Mix it to loosen it up, and add water to moisten. Replant your aeonium and do not give it more water until the soil has completely dried. Then you can start your regular watering schedule from there. 

Caring For Aeonium Plant

Aeoniums are good plants, easy to maintain, and add beautiful hues and shapes to any garden. When planting aeoniums, you’ll need to take special care of them by providing them with favorable conditions that support growth. 


Aeoniums are in the succulent family but tend to thrive in potting mixes with more perlite. Soils need to be loose and moist beforehand for those growing aeoniums in the ground. If soil is too hard or dense, mix in a bit of peat moss first to improve porosity and leave some breathing and stretching room for aeoniums. 

Temperature + Humidity 

Mediterranean climates are preferable for aeoniums, though not all of us live in or near one. Even if you don’t live in a beachy area with perfect weather year-round, you can still enjoy aeoniums if you give them the right settings. 

Suppose your area is dry; plant in moist soil that’s shaded. Also, keep from watering too much in the summer, as plants are dormant during this season. The winter months promote growth when they will need the most moisture. 


When aeoniums are dormant (summer months), they don’t do much, so they don’t need much. However, once winter comes around, they need a little TLC, using the time to root in deeper and grow larger. At this time, fertilizer is recommended, using a balanced fertilizer at least once a month. 

Common Aeonium Pests 

Not very many insects are attracted to aeonium plants. These include aphids, mealybugs, and mites, attracting ants. Ants do not feed on aeonium, though they love the sweet, sticky substance left behind by aphids and mealybugs. You can get rid of ants on aeonium plants by putting bait near the outside of the pot and other insects by gently washing off leaves with a mixture of mild soap and water. 

Final Thoughts 

Aeonium plants are easy to grow if left in favorable growing conditions. They live for a long time and will even bloom beautiful white flowers anywhere from 5 to 6 times in their lifetime. Keeping them well fed and properly moistened will help you get the most out of your aeonium plants – no matter what climate you live in. 

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