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Do Jade Plants Filter Air

These days, pollution is a concern everywhere, so you might be thinking about filtering air, especially inside. You know that plants are good for the environment, but do they help the air? Therefore, you begin to wonder: do jade plants filter air?

Yes, jade plants, like many other succulents, filter out the air and improve overall air quality.

Jade plants are one specific type of succulents that improve the air quality around you. If you’re wondering how such a small plant does this, keep on reading to learn more and become an air-filtering pro!

Do Jade Plants Improve Air Quality

Yes, jade plants improve air quality. 

Jade plants and most succulents do wonders to improve the air quality in your home. 

Succulents like jade plants are able to trap the air in your home and process it to make it healthier!

You might not think that such a small succulent like a jade plant can do much to improve the air in your home, but even a single jade plant can make the air you breathe cleaner and healthier. 

So, the next time you think that your jade plant is only suitable for decoration, take a deep breath because your jade plant has surely helped make it better, 

How Do Jade Plants Filter Air

Jade plants filter air efficiently. 

Jade plants absorb toxins and other pollutants in the air with their soil. But that isn’t all they do!

After the pollutants have been absorbed, your jade plant is able to convert it to food to eat, so it is sustaining itself!

Now, you might start to wonder what you have to do in this process. After all, it sounds too good to be true, right?

Well, you only have to keep your jade plant thriving! You don’t have to do anything else for your jade plant to rid the air of all those bad things we shouldn’t take into our bodies.

But, what are those things? Let’s look at that next.

What Do Jade Plants Filter Out Of The Air

You can’t see most pollutants and toxins in the air, but your jade plant is filtering them out.

Some of these indoor pollutants include:

  • Allergens
  • Dangerous compounds like acetone, benzene, and formaldehyde
  • Carbon dioxide 

These aren’t the only things that jade plants filter out, but they’re some of the most harmful pollutants that happen inside your home.

Some scientists believe that succulents like jade plants can filter out almost 90% of pollutants in the air.

Not too bad for such a small plant, huh?

What Is Harmful About Pollutants And Toxins

Chances are you’ve heard of these toxins and pollutants, but you might not be sure what kind of issues they cause.

You can only know the full benefits of jade plants if you understand why the toxins are so bad for us.

If you’re in a house or an apartment with a lot of toxins, you might develop some of the following symptoms:

  • Headaches or migraines
  • Eye irritation
  • Sneezing or runny nose
  • Sore throat
  • Itchy or rashy skin
  • Other symptoms that mimic seasonal allergies

These symptoms can range from mild to severe, but they are almost always annoying!

Some more dangerous toxins in the air can even damage vital organs like your lungs and kidneys. 

Do Jade Plants Give Off Oxygen

Jade plants not only filter the air; they add oxygen back into the air too.

Jade plants aren’t only good at acting as your own personal air filter. They give off oxygen too!

When we breathe, we take in air and expel carbon dioxide (one of those pesky things in the air that isn’t so good to breathe in). 

Your jade plant uses that carbon dioxide to turn it back into air!

Without getting too scientific on you, let’s say that your jade plant takes in the carbon dioxide just like we take in a breath.

Instead of putting out something harmful, your jade plant releases clean oxygen!

You’ve heard of photosynthesis, haven’t you? That’s the process!

Do Succulents Increase Humidity

Succulents filter air and even make the air cleaner to breathe by adding humidity back into the air.

I know we’ve all said it before: it’s so dry in here!

You know the feeling when your house or apartment is too dry. Your nose is stuffy, your cat is full of static, and your clothes are sticking to your body.

Succulents like jade plants can even help with that!

Jade plants can release moisture into the air, which helps prevent allergies, dry skin, sore throat, and cough.

Coupled with good circulation with open windows, you’ll be feeling better than you’ve ever felt!

I wouldn’t opt for a succulent over a humidifier in your house if it is particularly dry, but your jade plant is a great (and electricity-free!) way to add some moisture back into the air in your home.

How To Care For A Jade Plant

Let’s wrap this up by talking about caring for your jade plant. After all, you’re only going to get the goodness from your succulent when it is properly cared for.

Succulents and jade plants are generally pretty easy to care for, but here are a few essential points to consider when you buy your first jade plant. 


Jade plants love some bright light, so you’re going to want to make sure you put your jade plant where they will get full sun.

You should put your jade plant near a window that has full sun throughout the day. 

Some homes don’t have bright light throughout the day, so in this case, I would recommend finding the sunniest spot that you can and hope that it will be enough for your demanding jade plant.

If you don’t have many bright windows, you can try to get a plant light to make up for some of the lost light.


Most succulents do not need much water, and your jade plant is no exception.

Do not water your jade plant every day like you might other plants in your home.

Instead, only water your succulents when you feel that the top two inches of soil is getting dry. 

When you do need to water your jade plant, do not overwater it and drown your plant. Add enough water to keep the soil wet.

You can expect to water your jade plants every two or three weeks – so little that you might need to put a reminder on the calendar!


Trim any dead or brown leaves that you see on your jade plant.

Don’t get too trim happy with your scissors, but if you see that your jade plant isn’t doing too well, you can clip it off to keep the rest of your jade plant happy.

Take care not to cut any parts that are still green and healthy.

Even if you’ve cut too much from your plant, don’t worry that you’ve killed your jade plant! Most jade plants are hardy enough to continue growing – I wouldn’t test the theory!

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