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13 Direct Sunlight Houseplants To Add To Your Home!

Some of us are blessed with a sunny house or apartment. While this means that you always have a wonderful amount of natural light in your house, it could also mean that you struggle when choosing houseplants.

Several houseplants thrive in direct sunlight, so read through this article for more than ten houseplant options for your sunniest rooms.

Jade Plant

A jade plant is always a great option for a room that gets tons of natural sunlight. Most jade plants can tolerate and even need at least six hours of sunlight every day. 

If you’re starting a jade plant from a seed or cutting, then your young jade plant should be kept in indirect sunlight. This means that you shouldn’t keep your jade plant on a windowsill where the sun will be beating down on it. 

Once your jade plant is larger, you can move it into proper full sunlight without a worry. 

You’ll know if your jade plant isn’t getting enough sunlight because the plant will not be growing as fast or at all. 


Every type of cacti will need a different amount of sunlight, but as a general rule, you’ll want to ensure that your cactus gets at least 10 hours of sunlight every day.

At first glance, 10 hours might seem like an impossible feat, especially in the winter!

Ten hours of sunlight isn’t that long. Let’s say that your plant starts getting sunlight at 8 in the morning. That means that your plant needs sunlight until at least 6 in the afternoon.

You can supplement sunlight with a plant light – or an LED light – if you find that your cactus isn’t getting enough sunlight in the coldest, darkest winter months. 


Yucca need as much sunlight as you can possibly give them, and the more direct that sunlight is, the better!

Most gardeners agree that yucca plants need direct sunlight for at least half the day. In other words, you should aim to give your yucca plant at least six hours of sunlight daily.

Try to put your yucca plant in an area where it will get direct sunlight, too; if you can, put it in a corner where there are a lot of windows!

Your yucca plant will certainly show you if it is not getting enough sunlight. You will notice fewer flowers on the plant when it isn’t getting sunlight every day. 


The type of palm plant you have will also dictate how much sunlight your plant will need.

Some palm plants do wonders in partial or indirect sunlight, but most palms will need at least six hours of sunlight daily.

Palm plants can sometimes be tricky to get near direct sunlight because they can often grow so large and be on the floor. 

The best piece of advice I have for you to keep your palm plant in sunlight is to place it as close to the window as possible. If you have a corner where both walls have windows, that will be the perfect home for your palm!

Sweet Basil

Sweet basil loves direct sunlight in the morning, which is important to remember.

Sweet basil likes to be warm too, but the sun in the midday heat – the hottest part of the day – can be too much for your sweet basil plant. This sunlight won’t scorch your sweet basil, but it may look limp when it is too hot. 

Your sweet basil will be able to tolerate some shade during the day, but you should try to put your sweet basil in a place where it will get at least six hours of sunlight.

Money Tree

The money tree is an interesting case because the sunlight varies depending on if the money tree is grown inside or outside.

Outside, your money tree will be perfectly content to grow in direct sunlight.

When you grow a money tree inside, your money tree can grow in indirect bright light, so it doesn’t have to be directly in front of a window.

If you’re growing a money tree inside, there is one more thing that you must do that is unique to money trees. You’ll need to rotate your money tree so that it grows straight!

Birds of Paradise

If you want your birds of paradise to bloom with flowers, then you’ll have to be aware of how much sunlight your plant is getting when growing outside.

Birds of paradise bloom with flowers that look like yellow birds, hence the plant’s name. You’re most likely growing a birds of paradise because you want to see the flowers for yourself in your home.

For that to happen, your birds of paradise plant will need to be in direct sunlight for at least 6 hours per day. 

Your birds of paradise will take all the sunlight it can get, so don’t be afraid to put the pot in a sunny spot!


Geraniums need anywhere between 4 and 6 hours of sunlight per day. 

As with many plants on this list that flower, you will notice that your geranium isn’t blooming, which means that your plant isn’t getting enough sunlight during the day. 

If you do not have your geranium in direct sunlight, your geranium can have more than 6 hours of sunlight per day. 

If you find that you are struggling to get your geranium enough sunlight, try a window that is facing south or west. 

Mother-in-Law’s Tongue

Mother-in-law’s tongue is an interesting plant because it can tolerate both direct sunlight and low sunlight.

Indirect sunlight is the best choice for your mother-in-law’s tongue because too much direct sunlight can scorch the plant leaves!

Conversely, your plant’s leaves may turn yellow if your plant isn’t getting enough sunlight. 

I know no one wants to move their plants around all day for the best conditions, so you can find a spot for your mother-in-law’s tongue with indirect sunlight for at least 4 hours per day.


Hibiscus are tropical plants, so of course, they are going to love lots and lots of sunlight!

To see as many flowers on your hibiscus plant as possible, you will want to ensure that your hibiscus is getting about 8 hours of sunlight per day. 

Less direct sunlight won’t stunt the growth of your hibiscus, but you won’t see as many of the big beautiful flowers that I’m sure you’re waiting to see!

Snake Plant

Snake plants are one of the easiest plants to grow, no matter the type of natural sunlight coming into your home/ 

However, your snake plant will be happiest when it gets at least some direct sunlight during the day.

Snake plants will do fine with about 4 hours of direct sunlight every day, but if it gets more or less than that, you won’t see your snake plant drying up or growing slower – definitely a perfect plant for every type of home. 

Aloe Vera

If you have a room or deck with more than six hours of sunlight every day, then aloe vera could be a great option.

Aloe vera needs hours and hours of sunlight, though. Otherwise, you may notice that:

  • its limbs look stretched out
  • the plant is not as attractive as it was with full sunlight
  • the base of the plant is weak, which can lead to toppling or cracking
  • the growth of the plant is stunted

String of Pearls

String pearls can be tricky because they like bright, direct, and less direct sunlight. Combining both types of sunlight will help your string of pearls thrive. 

It may be annoying to think that you need to baby your plant, but if you want the plant to grow as large as possible, do the following:

  • Keep your string of pearls plant in direct sunlight in the mornings
  • Move your string of pearls to a different area of your house where the sun is less direct

The sunlight isn’t as strong in the morning, so the afternoon sun could become overwhelming to your string of pearls plant. 

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