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Bell Shaped Flowers – Types For Any Garden

Sometimes you’re looking for something specific in your garden. You may have decided that the perfect shape for your garden is a bell-shaped flower, but thankfully, every gardener has many options.

Bell-shaped flowers add a unique touch; not just in their appearance, but also in the selection of colors. Most of them prefer full sun and are relatively easy to grow. Especially when it comes to landscaping projects, there’s no better option than to add some of these into the mix.

Having done a ton of landscaping recently, I’ve done plenty of research and have come up with a good list of bell-shaped flowers that can work for most gardeners. Perhaps these options will be nice additions to your own garden.

Let’s get right to it!

Tecoma Stans

You may not have heard of the Tecoma Stans before, but have you heard of Yellow bells? Ah, yes. That name makes much more sense in an article talking about bell-shaped flowers!

Tecoma Stans plants can grow to be large for a flowering plant. Your Tecoma Stans can grow anywhere from 3 to 6 feet – or even more if you live in a warmer climate.

The trumpet-shaped flowers are bright yellow and grow in clusters throughout the plant. It’s enough to brighten up any garden!

Angel’s Trumpet

The flowers on an Angel’s Trumpet are shaped like – you guessed it – trumpets, but I’m going to include them on this list of bell-shaped flowers!

The Angel’s Trumpet is a great flower to choose if you want a plant that will spread far and wide. This plant can grow as tall as 20 feet tall and almost eight feet wide, so it can quickly take over any garden.

You can find Angel’s Trumpet in a spectrum of colors, including pink, yellow, and white.

The bonus to Angel’s Trumpet is the smell of the flower that takes over in the afternoon and at night. Angel’s Trumpet probably has one of the best smells of all the plants or flowers on this list. You won’t be sorry if you plant this flower near your patio or porch!


One of the most well-known bell-shaped flowers to most gardeners is the Foxglove.

Few other plants look like a Foxglove because it has tall stalks covered in tube or bell-shaped flowers. The interesting shape of the Foxglove means that you will probably need to take care to stake the taller parts of the flower so that the stalks do not break in the wind or from their weight.

You can find Foxglove in colors like:

  • Red 
  • White
  • Yellow 
  • Pink
  • Purple
  • Any color above with speckles

Though beautiful, it is important to note that Foxglove is toxic to humans and animals. Every part of the flower – seeds, stem, flowers, and leaves – contain a dangerous chemical that can affect the heart.

Lily Of The Valley

Another popular flower among gardeners and flower enthusiasts, the Lily of the Valley boasts some of the most beautiful bell-shaped flowers. 

The flowers of Lily of the Valley are tiny, delicate, and white. As many would say, the flowers are the perfect rounded bell shape. 

Unlike most plants or flowers, the best time to plant Lily of the Valley is in November or December because it can go dormant in the colder temperatures in the winter. The cold temperatures and dormancy period will ensure that you have a thriving plant when it flowers the next year.

Like Foxglove, Lily of the Valley is also poisonous but not as dangerous as Foxglove. Lily of the Valley is only dangerous when ingested, so ensure that your pets do not eat the stems, flowers, or leaves outside because it can lead to severe effects.


Snowdrop flowers are often confused with Lily of the Valley, but if you look closely, you will see that Snowdrop flowers have a different, unique shape from Lily of the Valley. 

The Lily of the Valley petals looks almost like balloons, whereas the Snowdrop petals are closer to that of a lampshade, though they too have their own kind of bell shape. 

Are you wondering where the name comes from with this flower? It comes from the fact that the Snowdrop prefers colder temperatures (sorry to those gardeners in the southern United States!). 

Opposite to most flowers, the Snowdrop is dormant in the summer months and will not bloom in the heat. The Snowdrop blooms early in the year, so this flower will be done by the time your other flowers begin to flower in the spring and summer.

Snake Head Fritillary

The search is over with the Snake Head Fritillary for someone looking for a truly unique bell-shaped flower.

A little-known flower, the bell-shaped flowers on this plant are patterned like a checkerboard – something you’re surely not going to stumble upon every day!

Snake Head Fritillaries often take on darker colors such as burgundy or purple, but that might not surprise you when you hear that these plants enjoy growing in the shade the most.

This plant is something that most people haven’t seen, and you will become the envy of your neighbors and fellow gardeners!


It’s not surprising that a plant called a “Bellflower” makes a list for a plant that has bell-shaped flowers.

The Bellflower has several different varieties, so we’ll cover those in more depth here if you want to choose the perfect Bellflower plant for your needs and garden. 

Spanish Bellflower

The Spanish Bellflower has flowers that are a brilliant blue – almost purple – color. 

This variety of Bellflower is great for your garden because they bloom for a long time from summer to fall, so you won’t have to worry about bald spots in your garden.

The Spanish Bellflower is easy to grow because it doesn’t mind sun or shade and has little soil preference. 

Marsh Bellflower

Marsh Bellflowers will add interest to any garden because of their weak, wispy stems. 

They do not grow straight up and instead lean on other plants for support. You might even say that the white flowers hang like bells from the stems! 

If you look closely at the bell-shaped flowers on the Marsh Bellflower, you will see thin veins that are light blue or grey. 

Alpine Bellflower

Choose Alpine Bellflowers if you are looking for bright, intense blue-colored, bell-shaped flowers.

The plant is sure to draw attention because it is dense and full of striking blue flowers. 

The Alpine Bellflower is a useful plant because it can be planted in various places, including pots or rock gardens.

Spotted Bellflower

Spotted Bellflowers have flowers that will make you wonder if you are looking at flower petals or real bells!

The flowers range from white to dusty pink, but here’s what makes the Spotted Bellflower different: the flowers have red spots and hairs.

This plant is beautiful and will surely add something unique to your garden. Still, it may be difficult to find this variety in the United States because it is native to Japan and Siberia, certainly two countries with different climates.

White Bellflower

White Bellflowers have delicate white flowers. The bell-shaped flowers look closer to cones because the petals are wide open.

You can grow White Bellflowers almost anywhere, but they grow nicest in cool climates with lots of sunlight. The White Bellflower can grow in humid, hot conditions, but the flowers will not last as long. 

The White Bellflower grows to about 6 inches tall, but the plant is covered in beautiful white colors despite the overall size. 

Dwarf Bellflower

For a particularly small bellflower variety, you should choose the Dwarf Bellflower.

The Dwarf Bellflower has purple flowers that lean blue but are a bright color nonetheless. This is surprising when you hear that the Dwarf Bellflower only grows to be 3 inches tall, so the plant needs a bright color to stand out.

You’ll only be able to enjoy the Dwarf Bellflower in climates that do not experience frost; otherwise, you will need to replant your flowers each year!

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